b'SPOTLIGHTTATIANNA FREEMAN Food and Beverage SupervisorThe Santaluz ClubSan Diego, CANEW MEMBERTatianna Freeman has been working in the service industry for many years and has been with The Santaluz Club for the past year and a half. What she loves most about the club industry is the community of members and staff at The Santaluz. She commented, I am surrounded by passionate service-minded people and a membership who recognizes the effort our staff makes daily to enrich their lives. I never take for granted the connections being made and the people who are part of my development. The Santaluz Club has gifted me with a clear vision of my desire to pursue private club management as a career path.Tatianna hopes to use her CMAA and TGSC membership for networking and development. She hopes to continue being mentored and gaining knowledge to make her a better leader.She hopes to gain a vision of what is required to not only be an effective leader but also to set a course for advancement in the private club industry. She looks forward to pursuing CMAA certifications. Outside of the club Tatianna, enjoys time with her fianc and their shared passion for health and fitness. She is fascinated with the impact health and fitness has on leadership and the impact this discipline has had on her ability to lead effectively. Tatianna concluded, I am excited to get involved with The Golden State Chapter and to utilize its education and network to be the best leader I can be.20 JULY/AUGUST 2022 VOLUME 14 | NUMBER 3'