b'allows simple access from any devicegenerate the necessary funds toWE ARE LOOKING FOR and even notifies you when someoneprovide the members of The GoldenITEMS, BOTH COMMON else bids on any item you areState Chapter effective and timelyAND UNCOMMON, looking to win.education.INCLUDING WINE, SPIRITS, GOLF, APPAREL, In the meantime, you will beIf you have any questions, pleaseHOTEL STAYS, CONCERT receiving a call or email soonfeel free to email me at rphipps@ TICKETS, SPORTING from one of our dedicated auctionthelakescc.com. In the meantime, ITICKETS, GOLF CLUBS, committee members asking youhope to see many of you on the golfGOLF BALLS, AND to donate an item. We are lookingcourse at one of the two remainingOTHER ACCESSORIES. for items, both common andtournaments we are hosting: North uncommon, including wine, spirits,Ranch Country Club (Jenny Duce, golf, apparel, hotel stays, concertCCM) on July 18th and Meadow Club tickets, sporting tickets, golf clubs,(Greg Brown) on August 1st. golf balls, and other accessories.Lets make this years online auction If you have an item and youand the golf tournaments events are ready to contribute, pleasememorable!send the info to
[email protected]. We need your help to ensure ourRon Phipps, CCMauction is successful, and that weTGSC Secretary/TreasurerServing clubs needs since 1987AMERICAN CRAFTEDCOMFORTgasserchair.com|800.323.2234|330.759.2234 Specializing in Workers CompensationProperty & CasualtyAdvanced Claims ServiceBilingual Loss ControlNewportSTACKS 6 Pat Hoffman (LEFT)Vice PresidentGlenwoodSTACKS 4 (800) 873-3725 (RIGHT) phoffmaniwins.com@NORTHERN CA SOUTHERN CAEd Sawyer & Co. | 650.879.1421 York Hospitality |
[email protected] [email protected] CA DOI License #0B01094|www.iwins.comVOLUME 14 | NUMBER 3 JULY/AUGUST 2022 11'