b'PURCHASING PORTAL AFFILIATEResurgence ITCONTACTJeremy Stepan25031 Avenue Stanford, Suite 10(661) 349-4114 Santa Clarita C [email protected] WEBSITEwww.resurgenceit.com/rit-club-softwareSPECIALTIES Club Software, Club Technology, Computer Technology, Consulting Services, Sound Systems, Website DesignABOUTResurgence IT is the ONLY technology partner that can provide a COMPLETE IT Solution for your club. We manage your computer network including: desktops, servers, POS hardware, cloud, email, wireless, VOIP, cyber security, and more! We also have our own custom club software and websites to run your financials, POS, catering, scheduling and member technology experience! Our software has been created and perfected with our private club clients over the past 30 years. Give us a call to experience "The Most Trusted Complete Technology Partner" for your club!79'