b"PEARL PARTNERThe Club CouncilCONTACTAllison Johnson, CCM, CCE PO Box 1623(941) 500-4046 La Porte, IN [email protected] WEBSITEtheclubcouncil.comSPECIALTIES Consulting ServicesABOUTThe Club Council helps leaders carryThe Club Council Founders successfully out their most critical responsibilitiesoperated the types of clubs you run. and work through the stresses andTheir collective experience and expertise opportunities that are common inare the game changers your club's our industry. Our services create anmembers and employees deserve.architecture of proven, best practices. Founding partners:Services:David Chag, CCM Board GovernanceDavid Voorhees, CCM, CCE Business Planning & Strategy Denise Kuprionis, Esq. Club StartupsKirk Reese, CCM Executive Placement & Succession Nick Sidorakis, CCM Leadership Development Tournament Advisory ServicesCLUBS SERVED INCLUDE:The California Club, The Valley Hunt Club, University Club of Pasadena, San Luis Obispo Country Club, Houston Country Club54"