b'EMERALD PARTNERClub BenchmarkingCONTACTEric Gregory (626) 325-3486 | Office [email protected] Director- West Coast (626) 328-3935 | CellRay CroninFounder & Chief Innovator (617) 830-2570 Ext: 114 [email protected] ButlerChief Executive Officer (617) 830-2570 Ext: 115 [email protected] PO Box 308 | Methuen, MA 01844WEBSITEwww.clubbenchmarking.com/solutions COMPANY VIDEOSPECIALTIES Capital Planning, Club Software, Club Technology,Computer Technology, Consulting Services,Financial Services, Human Resources/Staffing Services,Membership Surveys, Strategic PlanningABOUTClub Benchmarking is the nationally recognized leader in business intelligence for the club industry.Our proven Financial Insight Model TM and Key Performance Indicators are the cornerstones of a common and strategic industry framework that clubs across the country use to accurately assess and benchmark their financial and operational health.Club Benchmarking offers a full suite of innovative Solutions designed to promote and support data driven leadership.SOLUTIONS POWERED BY CLUB BENCHMARKING Financial & Operational Benchmarking Employee and Member SurveyPlatform SolutionsCapital Planning SolutionsBoard Advisory ServicesCompensation Benchmarking & Club Pro Forma and Strategic Advanced Workforce Analysis Planning19'