b'DIAMOND PARTNERTurf Star WesternCONTACTDoug Dahl 2110 La Mirada Drive (760) 597-6045| Office Vista, CA 92081(800) 585-8001 | General [email protected] COMPANY VIDEOSPECIALTIES Course Maintenance, Golf Car Accessories, Golf Cars/Utility Carts, Golf Course Accessories, Irrigation & Related Equipment & Services, Mowers & AccessoriesABOUTTurf Star/Western is thedistributor of Toro CommercialEquipment, Toro Golf IrrigationSystems, Club Car Carryall, andother leading golf maintenanceproducts for California, Oregon,Washington, Western Nevada,Northwest Idaho, and BajaCalifornia. We recognize thattaking care of our customersafter a sale is the key tocustomer satisfaction andultimately our own continuedsuccess. We focus on repairparts availability and technicalsupport. Turf Star is proud ofhaving one of the highest partsfill rates in the industry. Wealso have nine repair facilitiesand a fleet of mobile servicevehicles throughout California,Oregon, Washington, Nevada,Idaho, and Baja to assure thatour repairs are turned aroundquickly, completed whenpromised, and done right thefirst time. As a result, Turf Star/Western golf customers canexpect maximum productivityfrom their equipment with aminimum of down time."8'