b'PURCHASING PORTAL AFFILIATEClubSafeCONTACTBonnie Karl 52 Summer Street(978) 500-0806 | Cell Manchester-by-the-Sea, MA 01944(877) 936-3300 | [email protected] Emergency Response & Preparedness Plans, Injury & Illness Prevention Programs, Safety TrainingABOUTClubSafe is a national safety consulting firm that specializes in Emergency Response & Preparedness as well as Employee Safety programs. From aquatic safety to medical emergency planning to Cal OSHA requirements, our team of Consultants has the expertise and industry experience to elevate the level of preparedness at your Club. Since 1999, ClubSafe has developed safety partnerships with hundreds of Clubs across the country.CLUBS SERVED INCLUDE:Burlingame Country Club, Newport Harbor Yacht Club, Winged Foot Golf Club, Southern Hills Country Club, East Lake Golf Club, Martis Camp Club56'