b'We are the California chapter of the Club Management Association ofAmerica(CMAA).Since1927,CMAAhasbeentheprofessional associationformanagementatthecountrysleadingclubs.OurChaptersVisionisAcloselyconnectedcommunityofclub management professionals who place a high value on education and support for each other.To join our community, please contact us at
[email protected]. to join CMAA and our Chapter. Our members work at leading country, golf,city,yacht,beach,faculty,tennis,swimming,fitness,social,and equestrian clubs throughout the whole state of California as well as in the Nevada Tahoe area. Members range from general managers to their direct reports to all types of department heads to first-level managers and supervisors, all focused on supporting each other as we manage our clubs with excellence.JOIN OUR COMMUNITYPAGE 7'