b"CALL FOR VOLUNTEERSReflecting on years filled with accomplishments, TGSC extends an invitation for members to participate actively in shaping the chapters future. With a vision to continue making a positive impact, members are invited to volunteer for various committees that play pivotal roles in advancing the Chapters mission. These committees offer unique opportunities for members to leverage their skills, expertise, and passion to make a lasting difference.Committee Service Needs: The Education Committee focuses on shaping the The Golf Sponsorship Committee seeks2025 education calendar, emphasizing personal and enthusiastic individuals to drive sponsorship for theprofessional growth from February through August annual golf tournaments, and crucial fundraising2024.events that support the Chapter's initiatives.Additionally, the Student Development Committee Members can opt to focus on specific tournamentsseeks individuals eager to support and empower in their regions or engage with all four, enriching theirfuture leaders, offering mentorship and skill-building experience. This committee is active from Decemberinitiatives until September 2024.until the tournament of your choosing, or if youMembers are encouraged to consider volunteering choose all four, you will remain active until Septemberfor one or more committees. Serving on these 2024. committees not only contributes to the community The Virtual Auction Committee, responsiblebut also provides an avenue for networking and for fundraising, invites creative minds to curatepersonal growth. engaging auction items, aiming to surpassInterested members are urged to express their the success of the previous year's event. Thisinterest or seek more information by reaching out via committee will be active from March throughemail to the Managing Director, Crystal Thomas at September 2024.
[email protected] those passionate about expanding theThe success of TGSC hinges on the dedication of its community, the Membership Growth Committeevolunteers. Together, members can build a stronger presents an opportunity to develop strategies forand more impactful community. The Chapter eagerly membership campaigns and enhance engagementanticipates the collaborative efforts of its members until August 2024.in the forthcoming year.7"